Polish National Amateur Radio Club SP UKF - SP0VHF

SP0VHF logo

The Founding Meeting of the Polish National Amateur Radio Club "SP UKF" took place on 29th October 2016 in Gajow.

Founding Committee was established, and from which The Club Board was constituted, in accordance with Article 9th of the Law on Associations.

Seven resolutions were adopted, concerning inter alia the establishment of the Polish National Amateur Radio Club "SP UKF" determination of Club's headquarter and it's area of activity, appointment Club's objectives and way to achieve them.

  1. Club Name:
  2. Polish National Amateur Radio Club "SP UKF" at the Association European Amateur Radiocommunication Center Chełmiec Mountain

  3. Call sign:
  4. SP0VHF

  5. Club activity regulation act:
  6. Statute of Association European Amateur Radiocommunication Center Chełmiec Mountain Chapter II § 4 subsection 1a

  7. Club membership:
  8. Club grants membership to hams, who fulfill requirements contained in Chapter three of Club regulations and Membership regulations.

  9. The club's area of operation:
  10. The area of operation of the Club is the territory of the Republic of Poland.

  11. Club's headquarter:
  12. The Club's headquarter is located in Gajow 1; 57-420 Radków, POLAND

  13. Club's acting way:
  14. All activities are based on the voluntary social work of club's members.

  15. Club management:
  16. Club Board, Club Manager and operators responsible for the club station indicated in the radio license.

  17. QSL Bureau:
  18. Lower Silesian Regional Division No. 01 (OT-01) of Polish Amateur Radio Union

  19. The club's radio license:
  20. Club holds radio license and operates under call sign SP0VHF. Permits are valid from 07-07-2017. The date of commencement of use of the station is the date of delivery of the decision: 17-07-2017.